Nancy Mellon specializes in life coaching, counseling, family and generational dynamics, and health concerns.

Rediscover your life story

Nurture greater truth and well-being

Healing is always creative. Nurture greater truth and well-being in your personal, family and professional life with Nancy Mellon.

She invites you to re-envision your life's story and to receive the empowerment that comes from more fully communing with your truth. In addition to her private practice, Nancy teaches widely in the US and abroad, following the path of storytelling deep into physiological processes and the natural worlds, and pioneering new awareness of the relationship between language, imagination and well-being. 

Private Sessions

Nancy counsels adults who seek greater well-being in their individual, family and professional lives. She specializes in personal, family and generational relationships and health concerns, applying a broad variety of healing modalities.

Courses & Workshops

Nancy’s courses, workshops and keynotes brim with creativity to address a wide variety of challenges in families, schools and organizations. Even dire problems invite creative courage and transformational wisdom to guide us to greater acceptance, kindness and vitality.

Individual & Group Mentoring

Nancy works with individuals and groups who are striving to re-envision their circumstances, relationships and goals. She is a skillful, wise supporter of transformational projects, from tentative beginnings to celebrating their completion.

Nancy is a powerful teacher, storyteller, writer and guide.
— Kate Chadborne Ph.D., singer, poet, musician and teacher of Celtic lore


Thursday mornings 9:15-11 at Mettabee Farm

Starting February 27 / 6 week module

  • "After I worked with Nancy Mellon, in just one session, what had been a very painful, overwhelming family situation lost its power to torment me. I could laugh, and find creative new perspectives. Even four years later the healing I received on that day is with me. Thank you."

    — Life coach, California

  • "I am profoundly grateful to have worked with Nancy Mellon for almost ten years. Nancy gives me practical and skilled counsel that I use to navigate my relationships (personal and professional) with empathy while keeping my boundaries with integrity. Through her suggestions for artistic work, I have been able to change negative generational patterns and focus on my present well-being. I feel blessed to have Nancy Mellon's support; it has made me healthier and wiser."

    — Mother and educator